Friday, April 5, 2013

Flax Seed - Health Benefits

Flax plant (Linum usitatissimum) has been cultivated since around 8,000 B.C. and is said to be native to Egypt.   Flaxseed has been cultivated for more than 7000 years.  Flaxseed is rich in essential fatty acids, or EFAs.  Flaxseed oil is used to prevent and treat heart disease and to relieve a variety of inflammatory disorders and hormone-related problems, including infertility!

Benefits of Consuming Ground Flax Seeds / Flax Seed Oil:

Flax contains essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6, that help the body with many functions including controlling cholesterol levels and balancing good and bad fats.  Flaxseed has lipid-lowering properties.

Flax contains lignans which prevent the growth of many types of cancer including colon, prostate and breast cancers.   The two most notable anticancer components of flaxseeds are lignans and alphalinolenic acid (ALA). 

Flax seeds (not 'Flax Oil') is a great source of fiber which alleviates constipation. Flaxseeds also helps relive intestinal inflammation that can lead to Crohn's disease. Proper elimination also helps prevent cancer of the digestive tract. - Fiber rich (1 Ounce = 32% Daily Fiber intake)

Menopausal Symptoms
A poor diet can exacerbate menopausal symptoms, and a flaxseed supplement helps to balance estrogen levels and fill out an imbalanced, modern diet.

Cardiovascular Health, Weight Loss and Diabetes
Flaxseeds are an excellent source of all omega-3 essential fatty acids (including alpha-linoleic acids) that are critical for reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes as well as cancer. Omega-3s help balance blood sugar, boost metabolism and control appetite. Flax is known to help keep fats moving, as it emulsifies them in the body instead of storing them and keeps arteries from hardening.

Immune System and Inflammation
Flaxseeds are known to boost the immune system and relieve inflammation resulting from auto-immune diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Depression, Memory and Attention Deficit Disorder
The high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in flaxseeds help keep the brain, and its neural pathways functioning properly. -Also, increases energy and stamina, and improves mental function.

Pain Preventer
One of the richest sources of magnesium (one-half cup equals almost 100% of the daily requirements which makes flax a pain preventer. Magnesium also eases the stressed nerve cell activity that causes tension headaches and neck pain).

Lowers Blood Pressure

Hormonal Balance
Flaxseed contains the phytoestrogen, which is the richest source of estrogen.  Phytosestrogens are weeker form of natural estrogen that is in the body, which binds to estrogen receptors.  Flaxseeds can help alleviate menopausal symptoms by regulating the body's hormone levels.

Improves the absorption of calcium and strengthens bones, teeth and nails.

Flax Seeds &/or Flax Seed Oil can be purchased at Health Food Stores & some grocery stores. Whole flax seed can stay stored up to a year, but once ground it loses it shelf life / can go rancid quicker. For this reason, many people choose to buy whole flax seed and grind it into meal themselves (this takes seconds in a blender or coffee grinder). Ground Flax Seed should be stored in the fridge & used within 3 months.

Side Effects & Cautions:
  • Flaxseed should always be taken with plenty of liquids, as it could cause constipation.
  • Both flaxseed and flaxseed oil could cause loose stools.
  • Don’t combine this herb with the following medications: laxatives, oral rugs and stool softeners
  • Do not take flaxseed when pregnant or breast feeding
  • Do NOT heat Flax Seed Oil
  • Do NOT give to Children under 12yrs. old

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