Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wheat Germ for Weight Loss, Fiber, Vitamins

Wheat germ is a part of the wheat kernel. The germ is only a very small part of the kernel, approximately 2 ½ percent in total. The word germ does not have anything to do with bacteria; it simply refers to germination. The germ is the reproductive part that germinates and forms the wheat grass.

Wheat germ is a good source of fiber which has many benefits, which include

~ Improved bowel functions
~ Reduces Heart Disease & Diabetes, while preventing weight gain.
~ Lowered cholesterol and blood pressure
~ Helps elevate mood
~ High Protein (28% - more than most meats)
~ High in vitamin E - an antioxidant which is also good for the skin and anti-aging process

Wheat germ is a good source of:

* B vitamins such as folate, niacin, thiamin, and vitamin B6
* Calcium
* Complex carbs
* Fiber
* Folic Acid (great for Prenatal / pregnancy)
* Iron
* Magnesium
* Manganese
* Omega-3 fatty acids
* Phosphorous
* Potassium
* Protein
* Selenium
* Vitamin E
* Zinc

Wheat germ contains many important nutrients, including healthy oils. Each ounce of toasted wheat germ--approximately 30 grams or 1/4 cup--contains 108 calories, 8.25 grams of protein, 4 grams of dietary fiber, 2 grams of sugar and 8 grams of starch. Each ounce provides 0.5 gram of monounsaturated fat and nearly 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat.

You can buy wheat germ health stores and many supermarkets. It can either be purchased in toasted or fresh form. (Because of the oils in wheat germ, it can become rancid if stored improperly. When you buy toasted wheat germ, check the expiration date on the package. Store wheat germ in an airtight container in your refrigerator or freezer to extend its shelf life. Once opened, it will last for about nine months in the refrigerator.)

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