Friday, November 29, 2013

How the Food you Eat affects your Chi

Natural life force energy is believed to flow through all living beings, and in some cultures there is a natural energy believed to flow through everything. 

The food you consume directly affects your Chi ('life energy' / 'vitality' / 'ambition')   Overcooked, processed, chemically, &/or hormone-packed food depletes 'chi'.  Try to avoid or at least limit fast / convenience food.

Caffeine & other stimulants also give us unhealthy energy through adrenaline.  Caffeine triggers our adrenal glands,  which puts our body into 'fight or flight' mode.

Chi builders are:
* organic produce & meats
* freshly cooked meals
* pure water
* raw foods
* sprouted grains
* green foods (barley, wheat grass, spirulina, chlorella)

Chi depleters are:
* fast food
* processed food
* coffee
* sugar
* alcohol

Natural: Avoid unrefined processed high-stress foods containing preservatives, artificial colors and flavors that delete Chi.

Locally Grown: If grown locally and in season the nature of the food's Chi should be in tune with the Chi of the local environment and is more likely to meet the body's needs.

80% Rule: For optimal Chi, eat until you are 80% full. Too much food can disorder Chi, not enough food weakens your Chi.

Hydration: Water is vital for life and for the creation of Chi, so make sure you replenish this daily.

In Season: Eat according to the season. In winter eat more pressure-cooked grains, roots and hearty soups, while in summer cook less and eat more salads. The Chi in food is affected by the seasons, so you want your food to support the Chi around you.

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