Thursday, November 29, 2012

5 Simple Tips to Stay Stress-Free during the Holidays!

Don't let the holidays stress you out.  
Stress will make you more susceptible to illnesses by lowering your immune system responses.
1) Enjoy some 'Me' time.  
Whether you love meditating, yoga, Zumba, reading, taking a hot bath, painting your nails or a picture - it is important to your health to make time for yourself.
2) Don't get wrapped up in DRAMA
During the holidays most people spend more time with their loved ones (family/friends).  People will generally catch up with each others 'personal lives'.    Remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and decisions in life, therefore give your advice to a situation (if needed) and let it go.  Don't spread gossip nor be consumed by other peoples' drama.  
3) Take your Vitamins
Unless you are extremely disciplined, even the most health-driven people succumb to occassional holiday treats, and go through periods of not eating a healthy, balanced diet.   Remember to take your multi-vitamin and probiotics, daily.
4) Be Happy
Remember happiness is a choice!  Everytime you get angry or worried, take a deap breath and think of what makes you happy.   Positive thoughts will lead to more positive thoughts and vice versa.
5) Don't Overspend
Don't allow yourself to go into debt around the holidays. Remember that love is not measured by the money you have / don't have.   Look up 'Home-made Gift ideas'.   Remember the most sentimental gifts are usually the cheapest.  (Have a collection of family pictures online?  Try creating a mouspad, mug, t-shirt, etc.